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Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

On theJesus tells his disciples not to worry about someone driving out evil in his name. He warns about giving scandal, especially to children and calls for a radical avoidance of evil. We are to separate ourselves from it and choose to turn away from sin and its sources as radically as if to cut off our hand or pluck out our eye. It’s about life itself.

 Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Tuesday is the, virgin and doctor of the Church. Wednesday is the, with its own special readings. Friday is the.

 Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus Memorial of the Guardian Angels Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi

Our first reading all week offers a look at the. We witness his despair and his faithfulness in his most trying times and end with his praise of God’s glory. Book of Job

We continue reading, as the disciples argue about who is the greatest. Jesus points out a young child and asks them to strive to be the “least” not the greatest. Jesus stops his disciples from preventing people, not of their group, from healing, because they are with Jesus, too. He stops the disciples from “calling down fire from heaven” on the Samaritan people who didn’t give them a good reception. People come up, offering to follow Jesus, but have excuses for why they can’t do it now. Jesus calls them to not “look back” once they have said, “yes.” He sends his disciples to other towns: “The harvest is rich but the workers are few.” Jesus warns the people blessed by the graces of his visits there, but who have not changed their ways. He prays, “I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.”

 Luke’s Gospel

On thethe readings speak of marriage and partnership. In the, Adam does not find a suitable partner until the Lord creates woman.praises the Lord who blesses home and family. Inthe Pharisees test Jesus asking if it is lawful for a husband to divorce his wife. The question is meant to be a trap for Jesus but he repeats the scripture in Genesis. The gospel ends with Jesus urging us to be like children were in that society – unimportant and with no status. “The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Then he embraced and blessed the children. Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time  Book of Genesis Psalm 128  Mark’s Gospel 


Daily Prayer This Week

A regular way of reporting some important news today is to cite the source: “according to a highly placed government official,” even when the source is anonymous. We give the story credibility if it seems to come from an authoritative source, deserving credibility. Jesus tells us clearly that the source of his message and his power is God, the Father, himself.

This week we can experience intimacy with God in the midst of our busy lives if we take brief moments throughout our day, every day, to let the connection between ourselves and God become conscious. We forget who we are. We get distracted by the world around us, even with things that are our duty, or commitment. To become more conscious of the presence of God with us in our busy days takes some practice. It is a matter of desire and choice. If we desire it, we will choose it. And, it takes a “method.”

This week we can wake each morning and let our first thoughts turn to our Lord and our relationship. “Good morning, Lord. Thank you for letting me be your disciple today. Help me to be connected with you throughout this day. With your love, help me to be freer and more grateful, in the midst of the anxiety and tension I experience today.” That takes less than 30 seconds to say. We might object, saying “I am just barely awake when I wake up. How am I supposed to think this clearly immediately?” It just takes practice. The point isn’t to focus on the words, but on the relationship that frames our day. Then, in the shower, while getting dressed, getting to work, and at a dozen in between times throughout the day and evening, we can re-connect consciously, in and ongoing conversation – 20 or 30 seconds at a time.

“Be with me in this next challenge, Lord. I often lose my temper here. I can get fairly impatient at this time. I get hooked and slip into judgment and anger. Stay with me and I will rely on your grace to be more patient, gentle and loving.” Or, walking down the hall to the restroom, I might say, in my heart, “Lord, it really helps me to remember that beyond my job description, I’m your disciple. Help me to listen to you. Help me sense I’m here to let your Kingdom enter the world here. Give me the help to bring healing and love in this place today.”

Try to take a brief few moments while getting ready for bed to recall the moments of connection and grace this day and give thanks.


Thought for the week

Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you see the good in everything!


Taken from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer” on the
Creighton University’s Online Ministries web site:
Used with permission.

































































Taken from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer” on theCreighton University’s  web site:Online Ministries
Used with permission.



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Daily Prayer This Week
























This week we can ask, in the variety of ways and situations each day that our eyes might be opened to see Jesus as he really is – glorified, with the Father, and ready to renew our faith and trust in him.
























As we begin our day, and at brief times throughout our day, we can pull our consciousness together by letting the themes of this week’s reading guide us. One day, we might ask to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we go through a day full of strong wind and waves. We can ask again and again, as things get tougher and more challenging.
























Another day, we might focus on what comes out of our mouths. Is there cynicism, judgments, distortions of the truth, divisive and self-serving manipulation, yelling and hurtful put-downs? Do I practice using my voice to give praise to God by affirming others, forgiving them, by telling the truth, by defending the poor and the voiceless, by giving God thanks? Another day, I might be conscious of those I regard as “dogs,” those I disdain or think of as “the enemy.” I might ask for the grace to open my heart to whatever faith in God they have, however different from mine. I might ask for a sense of solidarity with them, not because it is my desire or inclination, but because it is God’s desire for me.
























How can I heal and reconcile, at least in my heart, what needs healing: racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, negative stereotypes towards Muslims and those I see as “foreigners.” How can I be relieved of my hostility against the poor or being judgmental about sinners. Later in the week, we can get in touch with the call of Jesus to deny ourselves. This is not self-denial for its own sake. This is the dying to self that comes from loving in the self-sacrificing way that Jesus did.
























Who in my family, friends, relative, co-workers and members of my parish or congregation needs my self-denying love? How have I focused on “gaining the world” and lost some of my true self in the process? Is there some way this week that I can taste discovering my true self in giving some time, some compassion, some love, some special care to someone who needs this from me?
























And throughout the week, perhaps at a special time of powerlessness or some time when I feel that I don’t have the energy or gifts to do the “more,” to move a mountain, I can ask for faith the size of a mustard seed. And, each night I can give thanks to God for being generous to me all week, for this simple focus on our relationship every day.


































































Thought for the week

































The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself!



















































Source: Rita Mae Brown


Taken from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer” on the
Creighton University’s Online Ministries web site:
Used with permission.



Daily Prayer This Week


This whole week could be a time for each of us to grow in a sense of what we most deeply desire. If we let Sunday’s gospel open our hearts we might find ourselves asking, begging God for what we need.

And we can let the daily gospels renew our hope. Have we become cynical and jaded a bit? The world does seem to be like a field someone sowed weeds into. The growth of God’s reign in this world doesn’t seem to be growing, and the seeds seem so small. This is a good week to get in touch with what is discouraged in our hearts and to let the courage the Lord is offering us renew us. He promises that even small seeds work and that even a little yeast allows dough to grow. The process is sometimes imperceptible, but that’s why Jesus reminds us to place our trust in him. Our own hearts might be full of weeds, but the Lord doesn’t want us ripping ourselves apart. He is full of mercy and healing reconciliation. Jesus does not want us to be scandalized by the evil we see in the world. God is patient. And, God alone will judge.

So every day this week, we can begin our day, establishing a focus. This might be while standing next to our bed for a brief minute, or while pouring ourselves a cup of coffee, or while in the shower or getting dressed. This is the time that can transform any busy day into a more focused time of connection with our Lord. Using all sorts of background times throughout the day will take no “extra” time for prayer, but will make it possible to let these powerful scriptures interact with the daily events and relationships with which we are involved.

One morning we might begin our day, simply by saying, “Lord, thank you for this day. Help me to pay attention to what and who I’m treasuring today.” Or, “Lord, be with me this day and help me check my need to judge others. Help me place my trust in you today.” While in the shower or going to work I might talk with the Lord about the day ahead, asking for particular help, focus, or a new way of valuing during that difficult 10 a.m. meeting or with the clients or students or patients I will see. While doing the wash or shopping or preparing meals or while taking time with my family or friends in the evening, I can let myself have these 30 second friend-to-friend conversations with the Lord. The readings provide a compass for our daily journey, but it is the continual practice at connecting with our Lord that carries us through the day. Looking back and saying “thank you” every night, if even for 30 seconds, will gradually transform us and give us more courage and hope.




Thought for the Week

Integrity is the choice between what is convenient and what is right!
Think About It
Source: Tony Dungy


Taken from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer” on the
Creighton University’s Online Ministries web site:
Used with permission.